为什么突然发出上面这一大段感慨呢?主要是因为最近几天的两个事件:1)Meta裁员超1.1万人 2)FTX创始人Sam Bankman-Fried玩火上身导致FTX资不抵债宣布破产。
Aloha,我是娄琦彬,欢迎来到的我的个人网站 :-)
自称是码农界里写诗写的最好的,文学界里拍照拍的最好的, 摄影圈里喝酒喝得最优雅的,狄俄尼索斯门徒里走过的路最长的。
All in USA
A week ago, my college friend Yong commented on an old tweet I posted in my personal Wechat's Moments almost a year ago. The tweet was about the mixing thoughts I had when I received an email letter from Futureme.org. That was the first letter I wrote to myself in the form of saying a hi to yourself in one year…